Monday 9 May 2016

SkittlesAreEpic's Anime and Book Reviews: Updated Every Sunday Starting from 15/5/2016

Hello readers! Starting from Sunday this week, I'll be posting a review of an anime or a book I've watched or read on this blog! My first review will be of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan.

Here's a preview and explanations of how I'm gonna rate the books, so if you want to see it before I implement it in a review, go ahead. :)

One of the deciding factors of how enjoyable a book is the characters. Here, I'll judge the characters based on originality, personality, background and depth.

Storyline or plot is always what makes a story, well, a story. There are cliche storylines, original storylines, storylines riddled with plot-holes and satisfying storylines. This category includes the objective of the situation of the story, what the characters do, and why they do it. The storyline is judged by realism, originality, entertainment value and concept.

Atmosphere and Setting
This includes the tone in which the story is executed, how fitting it is relative to the storyline, and the background information of the universe in which the story is set in.

Writing will be judged by dialogue, wording and detail.

Please note that this is only a shortened version. The full, more detailed and all-around better process of reviewing and rating will be updated later on. See you net week!

Excerpt of My New Book (Prologue)

  Hey, readers, it's been a while since I've posted, but from now on I'm gonna have a lot more time, so updates are gonna be a lot more frequent. This applies for my Wattpad as well. Anyway, remember that excerpt of the new book I'm writing I said I was gonna publish a couple of months back? Here it is. Enjoy! :)

In a pure white landscape devoid of any features, a pair of twins looking to be in their teens were lying on the ground, unconscious.

  Their eyes snapped open. “Where the hell are we?” the boy groaned, sitting up. Neither of the twins expected an answer, even when one was presented.

  “You are everywhere and nowhere,” A disembodied voice said cheekily.

  “Show yourself!” the girl shouted. Then she cursed. “Damn it. That was cliché.”

  “Okay, first let me get this straight. I’m a quantum god. Just like you, Penny.”

  “Huh,” she pondered. “I thought I was the only one.”

  “You’re taking this awfully well.”

  “Excuse me disembodied voice lady, since you know our names, I’m assuming that you’ve been watching us our whole lives, cliché, et cetera. And if that is the case, if you have been paying remote attention, you would see that we are very used to the unexpected. Again, this is cliché as hell, even the parts where we are kind of breaking the third and a half wall, since we’re only referring to clichés, so just get straight to the point, please.” The boy, Justin smiled.

  A girl with electric blue, waist length hair looking to be barely fourteen years old appeared in front of Justin and Penny in the landscape of pure white. Her darkly coloured dress looked extremely striking in comparison to the shining white background.

  “Alright, I guess I do owe you an explanation. So basically, it’s the same situation as when you two were thirteen, in an alternate multiverse. A couple of idiots, some as bad as or even worse than Nexus Mortem, trying to destroy a few universes. A big deal. Then they will move on to destabilize some of the even stricter boundaries, including, but not limited to, space, time, physics in the entirety of the capital ‘M’ Multiverse, the one that houses all multiverse systems and dimensions, and also in every conceivable dimension. And that is a lot of universes and planes of reality. One big difference is that I know when they’ll do it. In approximately fourteen years, those bad entities I’m talking about will break out of the reinforced pocket dimension that serves as their prison, like the one we’re in right now. And the security is tight. So I made a big plan involving de-aging you two to two years old, locking your memories of your previous life and setting them to return after you turn sixteen, so that by then you both will be strong enough to meet the threat. I’ll probably do it to myself too, if that gives you any more comfort. So yeah. That’s the short version.”

  Justin and Penny shared an exasperated look. Not again.

So? What did you guys think? I'd love to read your opinions, and creative criticism is always appreciated. Thanks for reading! Anyway, I won't be posting this on Wattpad.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

My Project!

Last post, I said that I had a secret project, well, now I'm gonna reveal it! :) A couple months ago, I hooked on to a publisher, and I've started writing my first book! So far, I've completed 7 chapters so far, and I'll post an excerpt soon!

I'm Back!

Hey, readers! A couple months ago I posted and said on Wattpad that I would be pausing my activities on Wattpad til' November because there won't be WiFi at my new house, well, now the WiFi is decent, and I'm pretty sure it'll work, so from today onwards, I'll be active on Wattpad again. Also, I just posted the last chapter of the Lightning Thief part of Son of Night. Next time I'll post the first part of the Sea of Monsters part. Here's the link to the latest chapter. Son of Night Chapter 6 

P.S.: I edited Chapter 5
P.P.S.: I'm working on a secret project!

Sunday 5 April 2015

Announcement!: Roleplaying and Writing Shared Account Group!

Hello everyone, Clarence here and I have an announcement for you guys! Me and my friend Kathrina, the lesbo biscuit, have created a Wattpad roleplaying and writing shared account group! Its's called @DaFandomWarriors, and anyone can join, as long as you can meret the conditions below!

Requirements to Join:
-Must be a fangirl or fanboy
-Must have read at least three of the Percy Jackson books or three of the Harry Potter books
-Answer five questions about PJO or HP correctly!

Check it out on Wattpad for more info! Link;
DaFandomWarriors Profile Link

PM the profile to apply!

Monday 30 March 2015

The Epic Intro

All right, to anyone reading this, I am a Wattpad user and writer, I'll assume most of you came from seeing my Wattpad account, so, to those who didn't, check my Wattpad out! It's @SkittlesAreEpic.

  Now that that's out of the way, I'll tell you guys what I'll be posting here. First of all, and mostly, I'll be posting extra news, updates and author's notes, such as announcements when I go on hiatus, or when I hold a poll. The second type of blog posts I'm going to post here are excerpts or trailers to new chapters or books I'm going to write. Finally, I will also be, doing book and anime reviews on my other blog, which you can find here! I'll go into more detail here than in my blog/rant book on Wattpad, so you can consider it exclusive content! ^_^ XD
  Thank you for reading! And for your convenience, here's the link to my Wattpad too!