Monday 9 May 2016

Excerpt of My New Book (Prologue)

  Hey, readers, it's been a while since I've posted, but from now on I'm gonna have a lot more time, so updates are gonna be a lot more frequent. This applies for my Wattpad as well. Anyway, remember that excerpt of the new book I'm writing I said I was gonna publish a couple of months back? Here it is. Enjoy! :)

In a pure white landscape devoid of any features, a pair of twins looking to be in their teens were lying on the ground, unconscious.

  Their eyes snapped open. “Where the hell are we?” the boy groaned, sitting up. Neither of the twins expected an answer, even when one was presented.

  “You are everywhere and nowhere,” A disembodied voice said cheekily.

  “Show yourself!” the girl shouted. Then she cursed. “Damn it. That was cliché.”

  “Okay, first let me get this straight. I’m a quantum god. Just like you, Penny.”

  “Huh,” she pondered. “I thought I was the only one.”

  “You’re taking this awfully well.”

  “Excuse me disembodied voice lady, since you know our names, I’m assuming that you’ve been watching us our whole lives, cliché, et cetera. And if that is the case, if you have been paying remote attention, you would see that we are very used to the unexpected. Again, this is cliché as hell, even the parts where we are kind of breaking the third and a half wall, since we’re only referring to clichés, so just get straight to the point, please.” The boy, Justin smiled.

  A girl with electric blue, waist length hair looking to be barely fourteen years old appeared in front of Justin and Penny in the landscape of pure white. Her darkly coloured dress looked extremely striking in comparison to the shining white background.

  “Alright, I guess I do owe you an explanation. So basically, it’s the same situation as when you two were thirteen, in an alternate multiverse. A couple of idiots, some as bad as or even worse than Nexus Mortem, trying to destroy a few universes. A big deal. Then they will move on to destabilize some of the even stricter boundaries, including, but not limited to, space, time, physics in the entirety of the capital ‘M’ Multiverse, the one that houses all multiverse systems and dimensions, and also in every conceivable dimension. And that is a lot of universes and planes of reality. One big difference is that I know when they’ll do it. In approximately fourteen years, those bad entities I’m talking about will break out of the reinforced pocket dimension that serves as their prison, like the one we’re in right now. And the security is tight. So I made a big plan involving de-aging you two to two years old, locking your memories of your previous life and setting them to return after you turn sixteen, so that by then you both will be strong enough to meet the threat. I’ll probably do it to myself too, if that gives you any more comfort. So yeah. That’s the short version.”

  Justin and Penny shared an exasperated look. Not again.

So? What did you guys think? I'd love to read your opinions, and creative criticism is always appreciated. Thanks for reading! Anyway, I won't be posting this on Wattpad.

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