Tuesday 28 July 2015

My Project!

Last post, I said that I had a secret project, well, now I'm gonna reveal it! :) A couple months ago, I hooked on to a publisher, and I've started writing my first book! So far, I've completed 7 chapters so far, and I'll post an excerpt soon!

I'm Back!

Hey, readers! A couple months ago I posted and said on Wattpad that I would be pausing my activities on Wattpad til' November because there won't be WiFi at my new house, well, now the WiFi is decent, and I'm pretty sure it'll work, so from today onwards, I'll be active on Wattpad again. Also, I just posted the last chapter of the Lightning Thief part of Son of Night. Next time I'll post the first part of the Sea of Monsters part. Here's the link to the latest chapter. Son of Night Chapter 6 

P.S.: I edited Chapter 5
P.P.S.: I'm working on a secret project!